Hao Tian(田昊)


Hao’s research interests are to design and synthesize hollow, core-shell and yolk-shell structured nanoparticles in the field of catalysis, energy storage and conversion.


E-mail tianhaoabcdef@hotmail.com


Education and Work Experiences

2005.9-2009.7, Bachelor, Lanzhou University, China

2009.9-2011.12, Master, Lanzhou University, China

2012.2-2014.9, Master, University of New South Wales, Australia

2014.10-2014.12, research assistant, Curtin University, Australia

2016.12-2017.7, visiting student, University of Technology Sydney, Australia

2017.5-2017.7, student Intern, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

2015.1-2018.1, PhD student, Curtin University, Australia

2018.2-present, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, the University of Sydney, Australia


Awards & Honours: Curtin Strategic International Research Scholarship (CSIRS), Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad (2016), Curtin University Mobility Scholarship (2016).