Yash Boyjoo


    Address: State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Dalian, 116023

    Email: Yash.Boyjoo@univ-lille1.fr


Education and Work Experiences

2001.01-2004.11 Chemical Engineering, Bachelor Degree Curtin University

2006.1-2007-12 Graduate Chemical Engineer Mineral Engineering Technical Services

2008.1-2009.1 Process Engineer Lycopodium Minerals Pty Ltd

2009.04-2013.01 Chemical Engineering, PhD Curtin University

2013.11-2015.12 Research Associate Curtin University, Australia

2016.01-2018.01 Post-Doctoral Fellow Université Lille 1, France

2018.5-Present Postdoctoral fellow State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences


Research Interests

·         Design, synthesis and characterization of solid and hollow nano/microspheres and advanced yolk-shell particles for a variety of applications such as CO2 adsorption, photocatalysis, energy storage and catalysis.

·         Synthesis and characterization of activated carbons with hierarchical pore size distributions for applications in CO2 adsorption, wastewater treatment and energy storage.

·         Design and modelling of hydrodynamics, radiation distribution and reaction kinetics in photocatalytic reactors.