On November 20th, Prof. Ying Li from Zhejiang University of Technology visited our group at DICP for academic exchanges. During her visiting, she gave an impressively academic report entitled “Design and Large-Scale Preparation of Defect Non-Metallic Carbon Catalyst for Acetylene Hydrochlorination”. Academic report was chaired by Prof. Jian Liu.
At the conference, Prof. Ying Li systematically expounded the application of porous carbon materials in industrial catalysis. Taking the carbon-based catalyst for preparing vinyl chloride from acetylene as an example, the general challenges of porous carbon-based catalysts were discussed. And the development of porous carbon-based catalysts for industrial catalytic process was proposed. She pointed that the catalytic carbon-based materials application for industrial depends on the progress in the following aspects: (1) Understand the chemical properties and microstructures of carbons can extended the application; (2) The development of uniformity carbon-based materials preparation technologies. In the future, carbon will become the most functional materials.
Prof. Ying Li obtained her Ph. D degree from DICP, CAS in 2005. Following that, she finished her postdoctoral research at Eindhoven University of Technology from 2005 to 2007. She joined Zhejiang University of Technology at 2007. And her current research interest focuses on the synthesis of carbon materials and application in catalysis.