Prof. Sanping Jiang Visits DICP

mnres_05T7 Date:2018-12-25

Prof. Sanping Jiang of Curtin University, Australia  visited DICP on December 21st and 22nd, 2018. During his stay, Prof. Sanping Jiang was invited to visit our group on December 21st, 2018.Prof Jiang delivered a lecture entitled “Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction and Fuel Cells-From Nanoparticles to Single Atoms” in the conference room of the Catalysis Building at 10:30 am on December 22nd.  Prof. Jian Liu hosted the lecture and presented a welcome speech. 


In his lecture, Prof. Sanping Jiang emphasized that many of the challenges in electrochemistry lay in the fields of energy and the environment. Developing electrocatalysts with high activity, stability and selectivity for CO2RR especially has proven to be a very challenging task as CO2RR competes with hydrogen evolution reaction, which occurs preferentially on most metal and metal oxide. Prof Jiang also presented the development of electrocatalysts for CO2RR from nanoparticles to single-atom catalysts(SAC) as well as their challenges. Finally, the results of his recent work on the synthesis of SACs with high loading of non-precious metal catalysts for fuel cells applications were discussed.




  蒋三平教授长期从事电化学能源转换与储存技术方面的研究,特别是在燃料电池领域做了大量的原创性的研究,在世界电化学能源领域具有非常大的学术影响力,是2016年全球高校能源科学与工程学科最具影响力的高被引的学者,2018年度科睿唯安(Clarivate Analytics)跨学科领域(cross-field category)高被引科学家。已在高水平学术期刊上发表了近400篇文章,文章总被引用率18,000次,h-因子69。另有多部知名出版社(Springer-Verlag, CRC Press) 特邀专著与编写章节。蒋三平教授担任 ASME Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Journal of Electrochemistry and NPG Scientific Report杂志的编委。并在国际会议多次做邀请报告。他的主要研究方向为固体氧 化物燃料电池电极材料及机理、固体氧化物高温电解材料及机理、质子交换膜燃料电池电催化及反应机理、纳米结构电极、电极/电解质界面现象、高温聚物质子交换膜燃料电池、直接甲醇燃料电池、超极电容等.